Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Ork-43 Infantry (Type 2) Tank Bustas

Here's the 2nd unit I've come up with. The Tank Busta's.

Tank Busta's (size 2)
Type: 2
Number(s) 10 to 15
Standard Equipment: Rokkitt Launcha and Choppa
Optional Equipment: Grenades
Special Weapons: Tank Hammer or Bomb Squiq
Specialists: Painboy; Kombat Engineer

Tank Busta's Glory Hogs MV: 18, Mrl: 8, Armor 5, Combat 8

Ranged WeaponsRangeROFAOEPEN
Rokkitt Launcha02/0-12/2
Special Weapons:

Tank Hammer61/0-18/2
Bomb Squiq (Indirect fire)401/0-17/3

EquipmentStandard Number (1)Maximum Number(2)Extra Fighter
Standard160 AP300 AP+15 AP
Grenades200 AP350 AP+20 AP

(1) 10 Tank bustas, including 2 special weapon and 0 to 2 specialists + 0 to 1 officer
(2) 15 Tank bustas, including 4 special weapon and 0 to 2 specialists + 0 to 1 officer

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